Destination Hilliard events differ from other events in Hilliard in that we strive to show visitors and residents what they can find in Hilliard every day. While we strive to create a fun event experience, we also want to show event participants why they should explore Hilliard any day of the week.
While many Downtown Hilliard businesses see the value in events held in Downtown Hilliard, these events can benefit brick-and-mortar businesses located in the Greater Hilliard area as well.

Once you have decided to participate, you have the power to increase the benefits of participation.
How can you share what your business has to offer while still participating within the parameters of the event?
Are you a participating business for a Sip & Shop? Come up with a fun promotion or an exclusive offer! Some businesses choose to have sales or provide discounts that align with the Sip & Shop theme.

Participating in events can be incredibly fun without being a huge endeavor. Think outside of the box! Do you have an idea that will help increase your visibility or foot traffic and want to talk through things? Email