It can never hurt to know the availability of parking when traveling somewhere new. There are a variety of parking options for visitors looking to shop, dine or attend events in Hilliard.
Downtown Hilliard
Walkable, Downtown Hilliard provides a welcoming hometown feel as you travel from one point to another. Explore the retail offerings and grab a frothy drink or tasty treat as you make your way to your intended destination.
Street Parking
Old Hilliard allows parallel parking in the designated spaces along Main Street. The smaller roads adjacent to Main Street also offer parking spots along the street free of charge.
Business Lots
Many Downtown businesses have dedicated parking with limited parking spaces at the rear of their buildings.
City Lots
The largest lot in Hilliard is located in one of the more active and vibrant parts of Hilliard at the intersection of Center Street and Wayne. Another lot with a number of parking spaces is at the corner of Madison Street and Wayne Street. Two smaller lots can be found by Hilliard’s First Responders Park at the corner of Center and Columbia.

Greater Hilliard
When visiting businesses outside of Old Hilliard, parking is a few steps away from your destination, as each business has designated parking areas.
Note: Some events will note additional parking options. If you are attending an event, check the event website and social media to identify additional options.